PEER-REVIEWED PUBLICATIONS (* denotes undergraduate author)
Cassin Sackett, L., Tsuchiya, M.T.N., R.B. Dikow. Rapid adaptation to a globally introduced pathogen in a keystone species. In review at PNAS Nexus.
Paxton, K.L., L. Cassin Sackett, C.T. Atkinson, Videvall, E., M.G. Campana, R.C. Fleischer 2023. Gene expression reveals immune response strategies of naive Hawaiian honeycreepers experimentally infected with introduced avian malaria. Journal of Heredity, 114 (4), 326-340. Link to HTML
Kaufmann, C.*, L. Cassin Sackett 2021. Fine-scale spatial structure of soil microbial communities in the burrows of a keystone rodent. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 9: 758348. Download PDF
Cassin Sackett, L., M.G. Campana, N.R. McInerney, H.C. Lim, N.A.S. Przelomska, B.M. Masuda, R.T. Chesser, E.H. Paxton, J.T. Foster, L.H. Crampton, R.C. Fleischer 2021. Genetic structure and population history in two critically endangered Kaua'i honeycreepers. Conservation Genetics 22: 601-614. Download PDF
--Profiled on the Avian Hybrids Blog
Videvall, E., K.L. Paxton. M.G. Campana, L. Cassin Sackett, C.T. Atkinson, R.C. Fleischer 2021. Transcriptome assembly and differential gene expression of the invasive avian malaria parasite Plasmodium relictum in Hawai'i. Ecology and Evolution 11(9): 4935-4944. Download PDF
Joubran, S.S., L. Cassin Sackett 2021. Genomic resources for an ecologically important rodent, the Gunnison's prairie dog (Cynomys gunnisoni). Conservation Genetics Resources 13(2): 123-126. Download PDF
Tsuchiya, M.T.N., R. Dikow, L. Cassin Sackett 2020. First genome sequence of the Gunnison's prairie dog (Cynomys gunnisoni), a keystone species and player in the transmission of sylvatic plague. Genome Biology and Evolution 12(5): 618-625. Download PDF
L. Cassin Sackett 2020. Promising Protocols for Parasites: Metatranscriptomics improves detection of hyperdiverse but low abundance communities. Molecular Ecology Resources 20(1): 8-10. Download PDF
--Invited Perspective
L. Cassin Sackett, A. Welch, M.X. Venkatraman, T.E. Callicrate, R.C. Fleischer 2019. The contribution of genomics to avian conservation. In: Avian Genomics in Ecology and Evolution: From the Lab Into the Wild (pp 295-330). Springer, Cham. Download PDF
L. Cassin Sackett, T.E. Callicrate, R.C. Fleischer 2019. Parallel evolution of gene classes, but not genes: Evidence from Hawai'ian honeycreeper populations exposed to malaria. Molecular Ecology 28(3): 568-583. DOI: 10.1111/mec.14891 Download PDF
--Profiled on the Avian Hybrids Blog
L. Cassin Sackett, 2017. Does the host matter? Variable effects of host traits on parasite heterogeneity. International Journal of Parasitology. Download PDF
--Selected for feature on journal website
G. Castellanos-Morales, J. Ortega, R. Castillo-Gámez, L.C. Sackett, L. Eguiarte 2015. Genetic variation and structure in contrasting geographic distributions: widespread vs. restricted black-tailed prairie dogs (subgenus Cynomys). Journal of Heredity 106: 478-490. Download PDF
L.C. Sackett, A. Seglund, R.P. Guralnick, M.M. Mazzella*, D.M. Wagner, J.D. Busch, A.P. Martin 2014. Evidence for two subspecies of Gunnison’s prairie dogs (Cynomys gunnisoni), and the general importance of the subspecies concept. Biological Conservation 174: 1-11. Download PDF
--Contributed to listing decision under the Endangered Species Act
L.C. Sackett, S.K. Collinge, A.P. Martin 2013. Do pathogens reduce genetic diversity of their hosts? Variable effects of sylvatic plague in black-tailed prairie dogs. Molecular Ecology 22: 2441-2555. Download PDF
L. C. Sackett, T. B. Cross, R. T. Jones, W. Johnson, K. Ballare, C. Ray, S. Collinge, A. P. Martin 2012. Connectivity of prairie dog colonies in an altered landscape: inferences from analysis of microsatellite DNA variation. Conservation Genetics 13: 407-418. Download PDF
S.H. Paull, S. Song, K. M. McClure, L. C. Sackett, M. Kilpatrick, P. T. J. Johnson 2012. From superspreaders to disease hotspots: linking transmission across hosts and space. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment (10): 75-82. Download PDF
--Profiled on ESA podcast
L. C. Sackett, L. K. Etchberger, M. N. Mazzella*, D. D. Lim*, A. P. Martin 2009. Characterization of 18 microsatellite loci for three species of prairie dogs. Molecular Ecology Resources 10(1): 232-236. Download PDF
J.M. Basey, L.C. Sackett, N.S. Robinson 2008. Optimal science lab design: impacts of various components of lab design on students’ attitudes toward lab. International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning 2(1). Download PDF
M.I. Litaor, T. R. Seastedt, L. C. Sackett 2008. An analysis of the nutrient status of alpine soils of the Colorado Front Range using the N:P ratio index. Soil Science Society of America Journal 72(6): 1628-1636. Download PDF
Warren, C.C., L.K. Berthold, H.L. Mounce, J.T. Foster, L. C. Sackett. 2019. Evaluating the risk of avian disease in reintroducing the endangered Kiwikiu (Maui Parrotbill: Pseudonestor xanthophrys) to Nakula NAR, Maui, Hawai‘i. Pacific Cooperative Studies Unit Technical Report #201. University of Hawai`i at Mānoa, Department of Botany. Honolulu, HI. 50 pages. Download PDF
R.C. Fleischer, L. Cassin-Sackett, M.G. Campana 2018. Population genetic analysis to guide emergency management actions for two crashing endangered species, Kaua'i Island's 'Akikiki and Akeke'e. Report prepared for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
A. P. Martin and L. C. Sackett 2012. Assessing the subspecies status within Cynomys gunnisoni. Final report prepared for the Colorado Division of Wildlife, Denver, CO.
L. C. Sackett 2009. Recolonization after plague in black-tailed prairie dogs. Final report prepared for the Boulder County Nature Association, Boulder, CO. Available at
F.M. Dunnivant, L. DeMuth, S. Ferguson, R. Kormanyos, S. McConnell, L. Sackett*, J. Schulte 2006. Environmental Laws. In: A Basic Introduction to Pollutant Fate and Transport: An Integrated Approach with Chemistry, Modeling, Risk Assessment, and Environmental Legislation, F.M. Dunnivant, E. Anders. John Wiley & Sons Inc., Hoboken, NJ.
Cassin Sackett, L., Tsuchiya, M.T.N., R.B. Dikow. Rapid adaptation to a globally introduced pathogen in a keystone species. In review at PNAS Nexus.
Paxton, K.L., L. Cassin Sackett, C.T. Atkinson, Videvall, E., M.G. Campana, R.C. Fleischer 2023. Gene expression reveals immune response strategies of naive Hawaiian honeycreepers experimentally infected with introduced avian malaria. Journal of Heredity, 114 (4), 326-340. Link to HTML
Kaufmann, C.*, L. Cassin Sackett 2021. Fine-scale spatial structure of soil microbial communities in the burrows of a keystone rodent. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 9: 758348. Download PDF
Cassin Sackett, L., M.G. Campana, N.R. McInerney, H.C. Lim, N.A.S. Przelomska, B.M. Masuda, R.T. Chesser, E.H. Paxton, J.T. Foster, L.H. Crampton, R.C. Fleischer 2021. Genetic structure and population history in two critically endangered Kaua'i honeycreepers. Conservation Genetics 22: 601-614. Download PDF
--Profiled on the Avian Hybrids Blog
Videvall, E., K.L. Paxton. M.G. Campana, L. Cassin Sackett, C.T. Atkinson, R.C. Fleischer 2021. Transcriptome assembly and differential gene expression of the invasive avian malaria parasite Plasmodium relictum in Hawai'i. Ecology and Evolution 11(9): 4935-4944. Download PDF
Joubran, S.S., L. Cassin Sackett 2021. Genomic resources for an ecologically important rodent, the Gunnison's prairie dog (Cynomys gunnisoni). Conservation Genetics Resources 13(2): 123-126. Download PDF
Tsuchiya, M.T.N., R. Dikow, L. Cassin Sackett 2020. First genome sequence of the Gunnison's prairie dog (Cynomys gunnisoni), a keystone species and player in the transmission of sylvatic plague. Genome Biology and Evolution 12(5): 618-625. Download PDF
L. Cassin Sackett 2020. Promising Protocols for Parasites: Metatranscriptomics improves detection of hyperdiverse but low abundance communities. Molecular Ecology Resources 20(1): 8-10. Download PDF
--Invited Perspective
L. Cassin Sackett, A. Welch, M.X. Venkatraman, T.E. Callicrate, R.C. Fleischer 2019. The contribution of genomics to avian conservation. In: Avian Genomics in Ecology and Evolution: From the Lab Into the Wild (pp 295-330). Springer, Cham. Download PDF
L. Cassin Sackett, T.E. Callicrate, R.C. Fleischer 2019. Parallel evolution of gene classes, but not genes: Evidence from Hawai'ian honeycreeper populations exposed to malaria. Molecular Ecology 28(3): 568-583. DOI: 10.1111/mec.14891 Download PDF
--Profiled on the Avian Hybrids Blog
L. Cassin Sackett, 2017. Does the host matter? Variable effects of host traits on parasite heterogeneity. International Journal of Parasitology. Download PDF
--Selected for feature on journal website
G. Castellanos-Morales, J. Ortega, R. Castillo-Gámez, L.C. Sackett, L. Eguiarte 2015. Genetic variation and structure in contrasting geographic distributions: widespread vs. restricted black-tailed prairie dogs (subgenus Cynomys). Journal of Heredity 106: 478-490. Download PDF
L.C. Sackett, A. Seglund, R.P. Guralnick, M.M. Mazzella*, D.M. Wagner, J.D. Busch, A.P. Martin 2014. Evidence for two subspecies of Gunnison’s prairie dogs (Cynomys gunnisoni), and the general importance of the subspecies concept. Biological Conservation 174: 1-11. Download PDF
--Contributed to listing decision under the Endangered Species Act
L.C. Sackett, S.K. Collinge, A.P. Martin 2013. Do pathogens reduce genetic diversity of their hosts? Variable effects of sylvatic plague in black-tailed prairie dogs. Molecular Ecology 22: 2441-2555. Download PDF
L. C. Sackett, T. B. Cross, R. T. Jones, W. Johnson, K. Ballare, C. Ray, S. Collinge, A. P. Martin 2012. Connectivity of prairie dog colonies in an altered landscape: inferences from analysis of microsatellite DNA variation. Conservation Genetics 13: 407-418. Download PDF
S.H. Paull, S. Song, K. M. McClure, L. C. Sackett, M. Kilpatrick, P. T. J. Johnson 2012. From superspreaders to disease hotspots: linking transmission across hosts and space. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment (10): 75-82. Download PDF
--Profiled on ESA podcast
L. C. Sackett, L. K. Etchberger, M. N. Mazzella*, D. D. Lim*, A. P. Martin 2009. Characterization of 18 microsatellite loci for three species of prairie dogs. Molecular Ecology Resources 10(1): 232-236. Download PDF
J.M. Basey, L.C. Sackett, N.S. Robinson 2008. Optimal science lab design: impacts of various components of lab design on students’ attitudes toward lab. International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning 2(1). Download PDF
M.I. Litaor, T. R. Seastedt, L. C. Sackett 2008. An analysis of the nutrient status of alpine soils of the Colorado Front Range using the N:P ratio index. Soil Science Society of America Journal 72(6): 1628-1636. Download PDF
Warren, C.C., L.K. Berthold, H.L. Mounce, J.T. Foster, L. C. Sackett. 2019. Evaluating the risk of avian disease in reintroducing the endangered Kiwikiu (Maui Parrotbill: Pseudonestor xanthophrys) to Nakula NAR, Maui, Hawai‘i. Pacific Cooperative Studies Unit Technical Report #201. University of Hawai`i at Mānoa, Department of Botany. Honolulu, HI. 50 pages. Download PDF
R.C. Fleischer, L. Cassin-Sackett, M.G. Campana 2018. Population genetic analysis to guide emergency management actions for two crashing endangered species, Kaua'i Island's 'Akikiki and Akeke'e. Report prepared for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
A. P. Martin and L. C. Sackett 2012. Assessing the subspecies status within Cynomys gunnisoni. Final report prepared for the Colorado Division of Wildlife, Denver, CO.
L. C. Sackett 2009. Recolonization after plague in black-tailed prairie dogs. Final report prepared for the Boulder County Nature Association, Boulder, CO. Available at
F.M. Dunnivant, L. DeMuth, S. Ferguson, R. Kormanyos, S. McConnell, L. Sackett*, J. Schulte 2006. Environmental Laws. In: A Basic Introduction to Pollutant Fate and Transport: An Integrated Approach with Chemistry, Modeling, Risk Assessment, and Environmental Legislation, F.M. Dunnivant, E. Anders. John Wiley & Sons Inc., Hoboken, NJ.